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So, What are Hissing Cockroaches?

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are one of the thousands of species of insects found on the African island of Madagascar. Though hissing cockroaches, also known as hissers, can be found as pets in many homes and classrooms globally, Madagascar is the only location hissing cockroaches are found in the wild.














Hissing cockroaches like the humidity of Madagascar and live in Madagascar's tropical rainforest. They tend to live in large colonies and feed on deteriorating logs and fruits on the forest floor, oftentimes making the rotting logs their homes as well. In the wild hissing cockroaches can live up to 2-3 years, while as pets they can live up to 4 or 5 years. In length, adult hissing cockroaches can be anywhere between 5 and 8 centimeters (2-3 inches), weighing around 28 grams (1 ounce).












Hissing cockroaches have some defining features that make them stand out. Hissing cockroaches are invertebrates, meaning that they have no internal skeletal structure, but rather have an outer skeleton, called an exoskeleton. Their exoskeleton protects them from predators and makes them very durable. Hissing cockroaches all have 6 spiky legs, 3 on each side. The spikes feel rough to touch but will not break the skin; the roaches mainly use the spikes to help them grip surfaces as they like to climb. Male hissers have 2 horn-like bumps on their head that make them stand out from females, who have smooth heads. Males also have textured or fluffy-looking antennae while females have smooth antennae. All hissing cockroaches also have spiracles, or small holes, along the sides of their bodies. When they are in distress or are trying to mate they will push air out of the spiracles in the back segment of their body, making a loud hissing sound. Hissing cockroaches tend to hiss quite often when first introduced to humans, but as they get used to the human contact they hiss less frequently. 

                                                 Hissing Cockroach



Hissing Cockroaches live in Madagascar, highligted in yellow.

National Geographic Kids

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